

Dear physicians, welcome to Germany


A law reform brings facilitation in the immigration of skilled workers

Deutsche Version



The reform of the Fachkräfte­ein­wan­derungs­gesetz1 is intended to make it easier for workers from abroad to come to Germany. The Skilled Workers Immigration Act at a glance:

There will be three ways to immigrate to Germany as a skilled worker. Either via qualification, professional experience or the potential of the person.

Detailed information is available on the federal government's website. If you would like to find out which of these paths is right for you, feel free to contact our team via our Apply Now Form without obligation and free of charge.


What are the advantages of immigrating to Germany as a physician?

Germany is an attractive place to work. Legally regulated working conditions offer significant advantages, such as:

  • Regulated vacation, at least 24 vacation days per year
  • 5-day week with a maximum of 40 hours
  • Overtime is paid or converted into vacation time
  • Public holidays (varies by state, between 10 and 13)
  • Insurance in case of occupational accident, illness and need for care
  • Pension

In addition, salaries in Germany's clinics and hospitals are regulated by collective agreements. Here's an pay scale structures for doctors in 2023 (German Article). Plus there are many implicit amenities that come with living and working in Germany, such as:

  • Liability of statements
  • Flat hierarchies
  • Team decisions, sense of unity
  • Free public schools

For young families and parents-to-be, Germany has a great range of opportunities to combine family and career:

  • Maternity protection
  • Parental leave
  • Child benefit
  • Childcare in daycare centers and kindergartens
  • Free school system and colleges


Dealing with diversity takes time

Anyone who plays with the idea of moving to Germany and working here as a doctor will therefore encounter many advantages. At the same time, he or she should be aware that he or she is entering a different culture. A Bertelsmann-Study2 on the welcome culture in Germany shows an improvement in the assessment of migration and integration in Germany. Compared with the studies of previous years, opinions continue to move in a positive direction and the 'opportunities of immigration are coming more into focus' among the population.

'German cordiality' is sometimes not easy for outsiders to recognize. Germans value commitment, they tend to be aloof with their fellow human beings at first. This can initially be off-putting to people with other backgrounds. Now most employers understood this and have made it their task to ease intercultural integration. Mutual understanding and openness are important factors here, which are supported by integration officers in companies.

Would you like to learn more about the peculiarities of the people in Germany? On Instagram we show Yo! heimat and present the 'specialties' of the different federal states.


You would like to work as a doctor in Germany?

Our MOG physician placement service has been helping doctors from all over the world finding a job in Germany since 2013. Apply without obligation via our Apply Now Form and your personal contact will get back to you.

Or read the testimonials of some of our referred physicians


1 Info on the reform of the skilled labor immigration law:, retrieved 26.07.2023

2 Welcome culture between stability and departure, Bertelsmann Study, 2022:, retrieved 26.07.2023


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geschrieben von Tanja Schnebel