Video: Recognition procedure for doctors in Germany - DE

Approbation as a doctor - professional recognition as a doctor

The path to professional recognition as a doctor m/f/d in Germany

You are a doctor m/f/d, live abroad and would like to work or specialize in Germany? As a qualified specialist, you have numerous options. Our professional and experienced recruiting team at MOG Ärztevermittlung will be happy to support you!

Qualified foreign doctors with very good German language skills C1 are in demand in Germany, because nationwide, especially in rural areas, there is a shortage of specialists. Regardless of whether they have just completed their medical studies or have already been working as a doctor for some time, it is extremely desirable for foreign doctors to emigrate to Germany.

Especially in the specialties of internal medicine, surgery, anesthesia, gynecology & obstetrics, pediatrics and adolescent medicine and neurology, physicians in training m/f/d - assistant physicians m/f/d - are sought. In the fields of geriatrics, psychiatry and psychosomatics, ENT, urology and radiology, experienced foreign specialists are in great demand.



The chances on the German job market for physicians m/f/d from all over the world are good if you meet the following requirements:

Completed medical studies from abroad

1. Medical studies from an EU / EEA country or Switzerland

Medical studies completed in the EU are automatically recognized in Germany upon application, provided that the qualification is listed in the European Professional Recognition Directives (2005/36/EC, Annex V No. 5.1.1), the minimum criteria of the Directive have been met and the training was started after the specified cut-off date. Since the EU has concluded corresponding agreements with Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, medical training completed in these countries is equivalent to degrees from EU countries. Provided that all other requirements (German language skills, health suitability, exemption from punishment, etc.) are met, the applicant m/f/d will receive the license to practice medicine.

2. Medical studies outside an EU / EEA country or Switzerland

A medical degree completed outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland is first subjected to an equivalence test in Germany by the competent licensing authority. If the competent authority determines that the foreign diploma is equivalent or that differences in training can be compensated for by relevant professional experience or other recognized knowledge and skills, and if all other requirements are met (knowledge of German, no criminal offenses, health suitability, etc.), it issues the license to practice medicine.

If the competent authority is of the opinion that there are significant differences between the medical training of the country of training and the medical training in Germany, it may insist on the taking of a knowledge examination if the differences in training cannot be compensated for by relevant professional experience or other recognized knowledge and skills. The professional experience, knowledge and skills may have been acquired worldwide.

In rare cases, the licensing authority may classify the medical training/medical studies as not equivalent and, due to serious deviations, no knowledge examination is offered to prove an equivalent level of knowledge. In these cases (approx. 1% of applications), it is not possible to practice medicine in Germany.

The equivalence assessment and the evaluation of professional experience and other recognized knowledge and skills is a case-by-case assessment by the competent authority. The statutory time limit for the equivalence examination is a maximum of four months after receipt of all required documents by the competent licensing authority. Unfortunately, this deadline is often exceeded.



German language certificate B2 as a prerequisite for applying for the license to practice medicine / professional license

A second basic requirement that every foreign physician m/f/d wishing to work in Germany must fulfill is proof of adequate German language skills. Most federal states require at least a B2 language certificate from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in order to apply for an Approbation / Professional Permit.



Specialized language exam C1 for medicine or proof of required German language skills in the medical field

Doctors who come to Germany from abroad and want to work in their profession here must prove that they have the necessary knowledge of the German language in the medical field when applying for their license to practice medicine / professional permit. This should not be a problem for physicians who are native speakers of German or who have already gained professional experience in German-speaking countries (Austria, Switzerland) and have provided appropriate proof there. Doctors from non-German-speaking countries must take the Fachsprachprüfung C1 for medicine. Registration for the Fachsprachprüfung Medizin C1 with medical associations / licensing authorities is only possible after the license to practice medicine / professional license has been applied for. The fees for the specialist language examinations C1 vary between the individual providers. They currently range from € 300 for the specialized language exam to € 490 for the berami Academy specialized language exam.



Frequently asked questions about licensure (FAQ)

How do I get my license to practice medicine in Germany?

The recognition procedure distinguishes between EU and non-EU countries:
If you have studied medicine in the EU, you only need to prove your German and specialist language skills. Your documents will be recognized due to the equivalence of EU degrees.


If you come from a non-EU country, the procedure is more complex.

In order to be recognized as a physician m/f/d in Germany, you must provide evidence of the following:

  • Completed medical training
  • Recognized language certificate B2
  • Specialized language exam level C1 - medicine
  • Health suitability
  • Impunity


What is the difference between a license to practice and a professional license?

German license to practice medicine

The German Approbation (Latin approbatio "recognition, approval") is in Germany the state unrestricted authorization to practice the corresponding profession independently and on one's own responsibility. This is associated with the authority to use the respective professional title. The granting of the German Approbation is regulated by Approbationsordnungen, which are issued by the Federal Ministry of Health (Germany) on the basis of the corresponding laws of the Bundesärzteordnung - BÄO.


Professional license

The professional license is limited to a maximum of two years. Within these two years, the doctors must pass the knowledge examination. The aim is to obtain the German Approbation. The professional permit is limited to a non-independent and non-managerial activity. Physicians with the professional permit work under the supervision of a licensed physician (§ 10 of the BÄO - Bundesärzteordnung).


What is the knowledge test?

The knowledge test refers to the content of the German medical studies. The foreign physician must prove that he or she has the same knowledge that is required of domestic graduates of medical schools.

Since the entry into force of a legal regulation on January 1, 2014, the focus of the examination has been on the subjects of

  • Internal medicine
  • Surgery


The questions should additionally consider the following aspects:

  • Emergency Medicine
  • Clinical pharmacology / pharmacotherapy
  • Imaging techniques
  • Radiation protection
  • Legal issues in the practice of medicine


In addition, the competent authority may, in advance of the examination, determine a subject or cross-sectional area as relevant to the examination in which it has identified significant differences between the medical training in Germany and the applicant's training.


The knowledge examination is an oral-practical examination with patient presentation and lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. It can be repeated a maximum of two times. An appointment for the knowledge examination must be offered to the applicant within six months of the decision. Unfortunately, this deadline is often exceeded.


What does the knowledge test cost?

The fees for the knowledge test vary between the individual federal states. They range from € 350 in Schleswig-Holstein to € 1,100 in Hesse or Rhineland-Palatinate. As the fees can change at any time, it is strongly recommended to check with the relevant authority for the current examination fees.


What does the German Approbation mean?

It is the recognition of the equivalence of your medical studies.

What happens after the license to practice medicine?

As soon as you hold your German license to practice medicine in your hands, you have made it: from a professional point of view, nothing stands in the way of your career as a physician m/f/d in Germany.

You meet the formal requirements - we have the jobs. If you are looking for a new job, contact the recruiting team at MOG Ärztevermittlung with confidence. We will show you which vacancies match your wishes and clarify your questions about conditions, employment contract and the region in which your new workplace is located in advance of starting work. We are happy to advise you, without obligation and free of charge.



You need advice about the recognition as a doctor m/f/d in Germany and the job search?

Since the requirements for professional recognition of medical training vary from state to state, the recruiting experts m/f/d of MOG Ärztevermittlung are happy to assist you with our expertise throughout the entire process!

Register now free of charge in our MedicalTalentNetwork. We will get to know you better and talk to you personally about your job search opportunities as a physician m/f/d in Germany.:



Approbation requirements

Requirements for licensure as a physician

You would like to work as a doctor m/f/d in Germany? Then you need a professional recognition. The recognition procedure distinguishes between EU and non-EU countries:


If you have studied medicine in the EU, you only need to prove your German and specialist language skills. Your documents will be recognized due to the equivalence of EU degrees.


If you come from a non-EU country, the procedure is much more complex. The most important information about this can be found in the video of MOG Ärztevermittlung.

For the recognition procedure as a physician m/f/d in Germany you have to prove the following:

  • Completed medical training
  • Recognized language certificate B2
  • Specialized language exam level C1 - medicine
  • Health suitability
  • Impunity

Consultation for licensure

We at MOG Ärztevermittlung advise you on professional recognition as a physician


Since the requirements for professional recognition of medical training vary from state to state, the recruiting experts m/f/d of MOG Ärztevermittlung are happy to assist you with their expertise throughout the entire process! Depending on whether you want to work as a physician in Baden-Württemberg or in Hamburg, in Saarland or in Saxony or in another part of Germany, we will advise you on the relevant examination requirements for professional recognition.


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We will get to know you better and talk to you personally about your job search opportunities as a physician m/f/d in Germany:


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But you have too little time to seriously look for it?


As a physician m/f/d looking for a job that suits you, you can register in the MedicalTalentNetwork without obligation and free of charge. Your recruiting expert m/f/d will get in touch with you as soon as he/she has one or more job offers for you that match what you are looking for.


MOG Ärztevermittlung supports physicians m/f/d in finding a job in Germany. The recruiting experts m/f/d of the recruitment agency use the Germany-wide network of clinics, hospitals and rehabilitation facilities as well as many other companies in the healthcare sector to place you in a job where you feel comfortable.


This extensive network exists because MOG Ärztevermittlung is a subsidiary of MCM Media Consult Maier + Partner GmbH, which has been advising the majority of clinics in Germany as an agency for personnel marketing, recruiting and personnel placement in the healthcare sector since 1991.


Our teams of MedicalTopJobs, MOG Ärztevermittlung and MOG Nurses are there and available for you without any restrictions. Whether in the support and handling of your job advertisements by our media team, in the search for a suitable job or job change in the health care sector by our recruiters or in the recruitment for your vacancies by our key account managers. Just contact us!