Introduction Applicants

You are interested in a job in the german healthcare sector?

In our job board you will find jobs in the healthcare sector, for example for doctors, nurses and therapists.

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Our recruiters inform you about suitable jobs without obligation, discreetly and free of charge.
We support you on your way to your next career step, in your search for a job as a doctor or physician, in nursing, therapy, or another profession in the health care sector.

Apply proactively and become part of the MedicalTalentNetwork. 


Are you a doctor with a medical degree in Germany?

Then our recruiting experts offer you a discreet background search for a new job.




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You are a doctor with medical studies abroad?

MOG Ärztevermittlung offers free support and relevant information for you as an applicant if you want to work in Germany. We support you in your onboarding process as a physician m/f/d in Germany.



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Our service for nurses with recognized training

We support applicants with a completed and recognized training as a nursing specialist  in their search for a permanent position with the complete application process including application check and career planning advice. We arrange interviews and help with any necessary relocation..


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You are a nursing professional from abroad?

We help applicants with a completed training as a nurse from abroad with the visa and travel formalities and support them in the recognition process.


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